Теми тижня

  • Introduction

    Our material this week includes:

    - Vocabulary I (Likes & Dislikes; Describing People);

    By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to: 
    • name university and school subjects and hobbies;
    • discuss subjects and hobbies;
    • have a conversation about likes and dislikes;
    • describe people's appearance and clothes;
    • describe the place, where they study.

    - Grammar Revision (Contrast Present Simple VS Present Continuous;

       Articles; Construction there is/there are)

    By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to: 

    • differentiate Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses;
    • use Present Simple and Present Continuous appropriately;
    • talk about everyday activities and facts;
    • describe things that are happening right now and make future arrangements;
    • know the difference between definite and indefinite articles A/THE;
    • use English articles appropriatey;

    • Unit 1. Feelings

      Completing the current unit, we are going to achieve such Bloom Taxonomy Learning Objectives:

      - Vocabulary (Adjectives to describe feelings)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • name and define feelings in English;
      • use present continuous and modifying adverbs correctly.

      - Grammar  (Past Simple)
      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • learn Past Simple formation;
      • talk about past experience;
      • use past simple affirmative and negative to describe past events;
      • ask questions about past experience/events;
      • use should/shouldn’t to give advice;
      • describe problems and offer advice.

      - Listening (Listening for gist)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

        describe the feelings in different situations;
      • understand people talking about problems;
      • discuss people’s stories, give their opinion on them;

      - Word Skills (Adjective endings -ed/-ing)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

        learn the difference between -ed and -ing adjective affixes;
      • use different types of adjectives correctly;
      • learn the ways to react to other people’s stories with “How+adjective”;
      • react to different types of information appropriately.

      - Reading ('Painless') 

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:
      • read and understand a text about medical conditions;
      • learn the vocabulary to describe injuries;
      • describe injuries and accidents.

      - Speaking (Narrating events)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:
      • learn and follow a simple structure for narrating events;
      • describe past events using a simple structure and appropriate grammar.

      - Writing (A description of the Event)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:
      • learn phrasal verbs to describe various actions;
      • differentiate formal and informal register of writing;
      • use informal and formal language in an appropriate context;
      • create a post/short article.

      - Unit 1. Test

    • Adventure

      Completing the current unit, we are going to achieve such Bloom Taxonomy Learning Objectives:

      Vocabulary (Landscapes)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • name landscapes and features of nature;
      • understand descriptions of holiday adverts;
      • describe a landscape;
      • discuss different types of activities;
      • name adjectives to describe sport activities and sportspeople;
      • describe a sport and people who practice it;
      • learn phrases for emails and phrases for making suggestions.

      - Grammar (Past Continuous; Past Simple VS Past Continuous)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • learn past Continuous formation;
      • differentiate Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses;
      • use Past Continuous to describe a scene of a story and Past Simple to describe sequence of events;
      • understand a text about the past;
      • describe past events using a variety of tenses;

      - Listening (Listening for key words and antonyms)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • identify synonyms in a listening text;
      • understand people talking about activities and sports;
      • predict the use of synonyms and synonymous grammar structures in a listening text;
      • discuss extreme sports and activities, people who practice them and locations where it takes place;

      - Word Skills (Word-building: Related verbs and nouns)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • learn the suffixes to form nouns;
      • identify  and differentiate parts of speech using suffixes;
      • understand and use dictionary entries to find related words;
      • discuss teen exploration.

      - Reading ('Lost at Sea')

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • read and understand a survival story;
      • learn and understand extreme adjectives;
      • use extreme adjectives appropriately

      - Speaking (Photo Description)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • learn and follow a structure to describe and speculate about a photo;
      • describe background, objects and people on a photo and speculate about people’s feelings using vocabulary of the unit;
      • conduct an interview.

      - Writing (An Invitation)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • learn phrases to sequence events;
      • use vocabulary to write a description of an activity;
      • learn and use abbreviations and short forms for informal emails;
      • create an invitation and a reply to it using unit vocabulary and grammar.

      - Unit 2: Test 

    • On Screen

      Completing the current unit, we are going to achieve such Bloom Taxonomy Learning Objectives:

      Vocabulary 3 (Films and Programmes)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • name types of films and TV programmes, an learn adjectives to describe them;
      • learn aspects of films in English;
      • understand excerpt from films and dialogue about them;
      • use unit vocabulary to describe films and take part in conversation about films.

      - Grammar (Quantity; Modals)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • learn the rules of using quantifiers;
      • differentiate quantifiers;
      • use various quantifiers in conversations and written texts;
      • learn modal verbs of obligation, necessity, prohibition;
      • understand different types of instructions;
      • create and describe rules.

      - Listening (Using the task to predict what you hear)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • identify clues about a listening text from instruction an question;
      • predict the content of a listening text;
      • use instructions and questions to guess the content of a listening text;
      • create and perform an advert.

      - Word Skills (Negative adjective prefixes)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      ·         learn the negative adjective prefixes to form nouns;

      • use negative prefixes to form antonyms;
      • understand and use dictionary entries to find synonyms and antonyms;
      • discuss illegal activities using negative adjectives.

      - Reading ('Video Games and Health')

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • read and understand an article about the health effects of videogames;
      • learn and use collocations, related to technology and its effect on youth;
      • identify the question types for a reading text;
      • give an opinion on the health effects of video games.

      - Speaking (Reaching an agreement)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • use time effectively to think in English before the speaking activity;
      • describe films by their genre and preference;
      • discuss the options and reach a decision about activities to perform, using phrases for expressing likes and dislikes;
      •  express a preference and reach an agreement.

      - Writing (An informal letter)

      By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

      • analyse an informal letter;
      • write an informal letter and a reply to it;
      • describe the different aspects of a film and give and additional information using informal language.

      - Unit 3. Test

    • Our Planet

      Our material this week includes:

      - Vocabulary (Adjectives to describe feelings)

      - Grammar  (Past Simple)

      - Listening (Listening for gist)

      - Word Skills (Adjective endings -ed/-ing)

      - Reading ('Painless')

      - Speaking (Narrating events)

      - Writing (A description of the Event)

      - Unit Test 

      • Ambition

        Our material this week includes:

        - Vocabulary (Adjectives to describe feelings)

        - Grammar  (Past Simple)

        - Listening (Listening for gist)

        - Word Skills (Adjective endings -ed/-ing)

        - Reading ('Painless')

        - Speaking (Narrating events)

        - Writing (A description of the Event)

        - Unit Test 

        - Cumulative Test (Units 1-5)