Опції зарахування

Scope of the educational component4 credits (120 hours)

The goal is to prepare a student to independently solve professional technical problems of hydraulics and hydropneumatic drives that arise in the future practical activity of a specialist in the study field of "Road transport".

Subject: laws of equilibrium and movement of liquids and gases and their use for calculating hydraulic and pneumatic drives.

The main tasks of studying an academic discipline are:

- acquisition of practical skills for solving hydraulic problems of liquids statics and dynamics, studying methods and algorithms for mathematical models, and analyzing results;

- obtaining knowledge on the analysis of technical and operational indicators of hydraulic systems of motor vehicles, with the aim of identifying and eliminating negative factors and increasing the efficiency of their use;

- the ability to use knowledge of the basics of calculation and working processes of hydraulic and pneumatic drives of motor vehicles in professional activities.

Сертифікат ДКР:

badgeлипень 2023

Оценка курса: 1.0(1)
Самореєстрація (Студент)