Weekly outline

  • Abstruct

    Summary of the educational component:  The goal is to provide future specialists with knowledge about information models and management systems for banks (DBs) and databases (DBs) in instrumentation, road and transport industries, relational and distributed ACS databases, ACS database administration processes, ACS database query languages, ACS database software application architecture.  
  • Topic 1. The concept of DBMS. Data models. The relational model. Features of database design in the road industry and instrumentation.

  • Topic 2. Normal forms. The relationship. Key.

  • Topic 3. SQL statements for creating a database.

  • Topic 4. Relational operations in SQL

  • Topic 5. Stored SQL procedures and functions

  • Topic 6. Transactions. The level of isolation. Blocking

  • Topic 7. Link integrity. Foreign keys. Indexing

  • Topic 8. Database Administration. Protection of database data in the road industry and instrumentation.